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Appeal to set up a Common Front

to resolve the crisis of “Migrants”:

The millions of “migrants” are fleeing the consequences of a 180 years long Crime against Humanity! 180 years long imperialist-colonialist-racist “foreign policy” of the Western Barbaric Caste... who use today this situation as a pretext to justify further slaughters in Syria or elsewhere!... That is why:

The Masculine Party invites all individuals, associations, parties, churches, etc. (regardless of their political or philosophical affiliation) anxious to bring a just solution to the present humanitarian disaster, to set up a Common Front to put an end to it and, as a beginning, to co-sign the following declaration:

Given that:

→ The CAUSE of this migration wave is none other than the Western “foreign policy” that must be qualified racist and predatory Colonialism.

It follows that:

→ The SOLUTION is to put an end to this policy.


→ To end the Exodus of the victims of the West, and the tragedies it causes…

→ To put an immediate and definitive end to “Terrorism”…

→ To seriously establish the “Right of nations to self-determination”…


We demand that the Western Governments
take the following immediate measures:


-1-- Immediate and unconditional Double Nationality

for all peoples of former colonial empires.1

-2-- Colonists and Killers of the West…

Out of the Third World!2

-3-- UN and its “Terror Council”

right into the trash!3

Signatories: Masculine Party, etc.

Except supporting imperialism, colonialism and militarism that characterize Western politics for 180 years... who can refuse to endorse this Declaration?


• If we claim to be Nationalist, how to deny other “nations” Liberty, Sovereignty we demand for ourselves? How not to fight against our own government’s Imperialism?

• If we claim to be Internationalist, how can we refute that no “fusion of nations” is possible without complete Equality between “nations” (large or small), not only recognized but realized, and thus their “right to self-determination”? How not to fight against our own government’s Colonialism?

• If we claim to be Humanist, how to let bomb a country in the name of Fraternity! to “save its people”! How not to fight against our own government’s Militarism?


Go for it, fellows!

Let’s meet! Let's talk about it!

Activist greetings.

19th September 2015 – David Allard,

Masculine Party of the Brand New People.

To sign the petition, it’s here!

See also our leaflet: Let’s Disarm the Terrorist West!

1 All nationals of Western colonies (“independent” nominally today... but in fact more colonies than ever!) opt for the nationality of their choice (EU/USA).

2 Concretely:
- Immediate Repatriation and Dismissal of all Militaries (including chaplains and others advisors), mercenaries, expatriates of all kinds, volunteers, humanitarians, etc. And obviously, Dismantling of the sinister farce of Tel Aviv’s “Jewish state”, mere Western mercenary base in the Middle East. - Immediate and unconditional Cancellation of all Debt to the West, and of all unequal treaties (leonine), and Nationalization of all businesses, concessions (farms, minings, drillings, etc.) and others Western “properties” in the countries of the South, without any compensation.

3 Essential prerequisite for a Genuine League of Nations... that will lead to the fusion of the nations within the Planetary Family!

Avertissement :

Nous vous rappelons que nous vivons en pays occupé :

"Les murs ont des oreilles...".