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Stop the migration wave?

Let’s Disarm the Terrorist West!


The West dominates the World… unfortunately:

Colonial Lootings and Massacres, World Wars, nuclear Monopoly...

Who “constitutes a threat”? Who devastates the World since 1835?

Since the conquest of Algeria and the Opium War (1840), until the “decolonization” operation1, the West rotten to the core makes the World a nightmare.


Hell of a Nerve!

“We are not the aggressor: we resist”! (The Fury Badinter – 11th January 2015)

Since 180 years, ALL the Resistants to these Imperialist and Colonialist aggressions are called “Terrorists”, “Absolutes Barbarians”: yesterday, it was the English Chartists (1839), the French Socialists (1848), Communards (1871) and Anarchists (1893), then the Leninists (1917), the Maoists (1949), the Algerian NLF (1954)... nowadays, it is the Islamists.


Colonial Reconquest:

“But – some may say – we put an end to colonization!” Yes of course!…

Let’s listen to De Gaulle, “decolonization” master: “Everything must change so that everything remains the same”. In other words... Neo-Colonialism by Puppets and Debt.

But the 1987 stock market Crash announced a new and final pre-war situation2: thus new watchword! “Colonial Reconquest!” Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali...


Crime against Humanity:

The millions of “migrants” are fleeing the consequences of a 180 years long Crime against Humanity! 180 years long imperialist-colonialist-racist “foreign policy” of the Western Barbaric Caste... who use today this situation as a pretext to justify further slaughters in Syria or elsewhere!...

These monsters will never stop… We must put an end to that:

Go to Hell West-Babel! Counter-Community!

Let’s establish the Suitable Community: without Weapons and Money!



→ To end the Exodus of the victims of the West, and the tragedies it causes…

→ To put an immediate and definitive end to “Terrorism”…

→ To seriously establish the “Right of nations to self-determination”…

Desperate times call for desperate measures! Let’s impose this ONLY right answer:


1- Double Nationality,


immediate and unconditional, for all peoples of former colonial empires3.


Colonists and Killers of the West...
Out of the Third World!



- Immediate Repatriation and Dismissal of all Militaries (including chaplains and others advisors), mercenaries, expatriates of all kinds, volunteers, humanitarians, etc. And obviously, Dismantling of the sinister farce of Tel Aviv’s “Jewish state”, mere Western mercenary base in the Middle East.

- Immediate and unconditional Cancellation of all Debt to the West, and of all unequal treaties (leonine), and Nationalization of all businesses, concessions (farms, minings, drillings, etc.) and others Western “properties” in Southern countries, without any compensation.


3- UN and its “Terror Council”4
right into the trash!


Essential prerequisite for a Genuine League of Nations
that will lead to the fusion of the nations within the Planetary Family!


« No nation can be free if it oppresses other nations ».

Saint Lenin – July 1916

Masculine Party (Friends-Brothers) of the BNP (Brand New People)
18th Septembre 2015 – David –

To sign the petition, it’s here!

See our Appeal to set up an Anticolonialist Common Front to resolve the crisis of “Migrants”.

1 Following WW2: Indochina/Vietnam, Algeria’s slaughters, etc.

2 Europe/USA World War, turning into an endless planetary civil war…

3 All nationals of Western colonies (today nominally “independent”... but in fact more colonies than ever!) opt for the nationality of their choice (EU/USA).

4 As Mu’ammar Gaddafi called the “Security Council”! (See his magnificent speech to the UN on September 23, 2009.)

Avertissement :

Nous vous rappelons que nous vivons en pays occupé :

"Les murs ont des oreilles...".